TE Domains Create New Domain

Use this function to create a new domain.

Screen Fields

Field Description
Target Version

This non-editable field displays the target version, derived from the Deltek Time & Expense with Self Service scripts installed on your system.


This system checks the SCHEMA_TRANSLATION table and displays the next available schema in your system in this non-editable field.

Domain Name

Enter up to 30 characters for a unique domain name. This is a required field. You will receive an error when you select the Execute pushbutton if you have not supplied a domain name or if the domain name already exists.

Domain Password

Enter the domain password. The value that you enter will display as asterisks.  You will receive an error if you select the Execute pushbutton without supplying a password. This is a required field.

Domain Password (Verify)

Re-enter the password from the previous field. It will also be displayed as asterisks. You will receive an error when you select the Execute pushbutton if this password and the previous password field do not match.

License File

Use the Browse pushbutton to the right of the field to select your Deltek Time\Expense\Self Service license file. Typically, this file is named DELTEKTC.LIC. The system will display an error message if you select the Execute pushbutton without supplying the license file location. This is a required field.

Default Database

Enter the name of the default database. This field will display only if your system uses a SQL Server platform. We recommend that you supply a default database.

Primary Tablespace Name

Enter the name of the primary tablespace. This field will display only if your system uses an Oracle platform. By default, "TC_DATA" is displayed in this field. You must create the TC_DATA tablespace before using it, or you can use the primary tablespace name you specified when installing Oracle.

Temporary Tablespace Name

Enter the name of the temporary tablespace. This field will display only if your system uses an Oracle platform. By default, "TEMPORARY_DATA" displays in this field.


Select the Execute pushbutton to create the new domain. If the domain is created successfully, you will receive a confirmation message and be returned to the Domain List pane.